City Halls & Courthouses
Visit your local city hall or courthouse building and you’ll see a great deal of activity taking place. Licensing, permitting, court hearings, and even the occasional wedding, these buildings accommodate a wide array of endeavors performed by a diverse set of individuals. As with any municipal building, there are rules and regulations associated with materials housed within, in addition to the period items must be kept. Spacesaver storage systems are designed to properly house and preserve items of all shapes, sizes, and forms safely, securely, and for the requisite amount of time.
Logging More In Less Space
The most effective way to learn from the past is to study it. Despite a strong push toward digital record keeping in recent years, there remains a great deal of items that either have been or must be preserved in their physical state. Whether a register, census, or a historic artifact signifying a significant event in the history of your community and its individuals, Spacesaver has a solution to safely store and protect your past for the future.

Archival Flat File
Capable of storing a number of large flat items, our archival flat file storage cabinets provide worry-free protection and enduring value. Manufactured of solid, heavy-gauge steel and available with an optional glass top, these cabinets provide users with the ideal combination of durability and increased visibility.

High-Density Mobile Systems
The two greatest commodities of an organization are space and time. By utilizing our high-density mobile systems in your community’s record keeping department, you can cut your footprint in half or double your storage capacity when compared to static shelving – allowing more room to preserve historic pieces and the space and opportunity to create more.

Protection & Service For All
The daily traffic breakdown for a community’s city hall and courthouse building includes many individuals. No matter what the reasoning behind their presence, each is afforded the right to have their possessions properly and securely stored. Our lineup of customizable locker options ensures that personal belongings are returned in the same state they were deposited, no matter who they belong to.

Personal Storage Lockers
From janitors to judges, your local courthouse and city hall building needs every last employee to keep the space running at its full capacity to best serve the community. To help in keeping supplies and personal belongings safe and accounted for, we offer our FreeStyle® Personal Storage Lockers – designed to be configured and customized to fit the individual needs of all parties involved in keeping the wheels of justice rolling.

Day Use Lockers
Unfortunately, for some, a trip to the courthouse or city hall building can be an all-day affair. Furthermore, finding the time to make such a trip can coincide with additional tasks at hand, requiring individuals to carry materials necessary to their next stop(s) with them. For these and materials that may be prohibited within certain areas of the building, Spacesaver’s Day Use Lockers provide a safe and accessible method of temporary storage.
Safety First, Justice Always
While justice is most certainly served by the appointed judges within your local courthouse, it is also supported by the security guards and sworn officers that inhabit both this space and your community’s city hall. Utilizing solutions that securely store weapons, these individuals help to ensure building visitors are kept safe as they go about their business.
Depending on the case, evidence may be required to support an argument presented by either the prosecution or defense. Both before and after use in court, this evidence must be preserved, undisrupted in case it needs to be called upon at a later date. Our lineup of Available with a wide range of features and options including pass-through and non-pass-through functionality, refrigeration capabilities, and varied locking systems and technologies, Gun Lockers
These highly secure gun lockers make temporary handgun storage safe and easy. Ideal for interview rooms, common areas, or any other location or situation that requires the utmost in weapon security.
Evidence Lockers